Overwatch OPEN CUP

Мы рады сообщить вам о очередном турнире по Overwatch.


Регистрация на турнир продлится вплоть до 28 августа 2016. Для турнира нам понадобится 16 команд. Призовой фонд составит3000р.

Спешите, регистрируйтесь и побеждайте!





Match Settings

·        Rule set: Competitive

·        High bandwidth: On

·        Game mode:

o   Start of the tournament - quarterfinals: Best of One

o    Quarterfinals & semifinals: Best of Three

o    Finals: Best of Five

·        Map rotation: Single map

·        Return to lobby: After a game

·        The higher seed starts the map veto

o   Available maps: King's Row, Numbani, Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Dorado, Hanamura, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya, Nepal, Lijiang Tower, Hollywood, Ilios & Route 66

·        Hero selection limit: 1 per team

o    All heroes are currently allowed

·        Disable kill cam: On

General Rules:

·        Escort and Hybrid maps are decided by either a) pushing the payload further than the other team or b) reaching the final checkpoint faster.

·        In case of a tie on Assault, Hybrid of Escort a preset Best of Three Control map is to be played. The winner of the Control map will win the tied map. Please note: Control maps picked in from the map pool are to be played as a Best of Five

·        Recordings and/or screenshots from each round are required





1 комментарий

Хорошо, что про Over не забыли :-)